Tuesday, February 26, 2019

ZAK Entertainment Update Febuary 2019 (It's been a while, hasn't it?)

Remember that unannounced hiatus I went on for the entirety of 2018?
I have to apologize for never explaining why or even announcing that I was going on hiatus. ZAK Entertainment was a wonderful idea and I loved writing every word I posted on that website, so why, you ask, did I leave?
Well there are a few reasons, the most prominent being that I found myself burnt out. I started this blog as a daily blog, and I mean I was posting DAILY. I lowered the blog down to three times a week and slowly but surely it dropped to once a week.
I got myself a full time commitment outside of the blog around the end of 2017, a career that took a lot of my time away. I found myself unable to fit the blog into my time due to bad time management on my part. So between being burnt out and not managing my time correctly the blog died out.
Honestly I have to admit that after a while I became set on doing this blog for money, an idea that caused a lot of stressed upon myself and really brought the whole energy of the blog down. At the end of 2017, between being burnt out and having my new career taking it's toll on me I just ended the blog, without warning.
So recently I began to have all these topics I was interested in again, such as new video games and movies and I found myself with no outlet to express those interests. Looking back on things this blog truly helped me express myself and my writing talents (Okay I'm not boasting this just sounds cool so I'm writing it here.) so it'll be a darn shame if I just let this blog collect dust. I can't promise how often I'll be posting but I will say the blog Is not dead.
I will be reviving the blog just a little bit this year but I'm not doing this for money anymore. This blog will go back to what it began as, a way for me to express myself and my interests as well as serving as a writing outlet for the little journalist living in my brain.
So if you're still tuned in (I'll be surprised if anyone's still here.) then be on the look out for new content this year sometime.
This is ZAK Entertainment.
Signing off, but not forever.


  1. When's the next Pokemon Dream Eclipse?

  2. Yooooooooo Sarah it's good to see you please come back to making videos I'm your biggest fan please daddy me uwu
