Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The First Thor Ragnarok Teaser Trailer & A Knitting Sock Mishap

We’re knee high into the month of April and it seems like there’s a nonstop flow of movie trailers being released, for the most part being DC and Marvel Superhero movie trailers. Yes with the recent Guardians of the Galaxy VOL 2, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man and Justice League trailers and movies such as Avengers Infinity War on it’s way Superhero movies are coming out of the woodworks and are looking pretty sweet If I do say so myself. From Asgard to Midgard comes possibly my favorite movie trailer of the year, Thor Ragnarok has released a new trailer! I’ve already seen it prior to writing this blog but this trailer is worth watching a couple hundred times. Let’s get right into it!

Right off the bat it seems Thor has gotten himself chained to a sticky situation… Seriously is that Hera? She just completely shattered Mjolnir. Yup that hairstyle (And by style... I MEAN STYLE.) gives it away; this is definitely Hela the Asgardian goddess of death and that underworld like setting would be Hel, the realm that Hela is the ruler of. Didn’t quite expect Mjolnir to just be destroyed like that, It’s supposed to be unstoppable and only wieldable by Thor so what gives? Maybe there’s an Infinity Stone at work. There’s only one Infinity Stone left to be shown anyway so Thor Ragnarok is a perfect movie to confirm all the infinity stones in anticipation for Avengers: Infinity War. Oh yeah another reason why this trailer is one of the best… Led Zeppelin! Yes Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song was possibly (For some reason.) the best song choice for this specific trailer.
Is that Jeff Goldblum? I actually didn’t expect him to be in this movie at first but yes Jeff will be playing the Grandmaster and what do you know, it seems like he fits the role perfectly. Did you miss Loki? No fret! Tom Hiddleston aka Loki seems to be coming back in full swing with an awesome new costume fit with iconic golden horns and a pretty sweet double knife juggle. Speaking of Loki I didn’t notice this before but he’s actually standing next to Thor when Mjolnir is destroyed, it’s a split second shot but you can clearly see Loki there. Is this New York City perhaps?

Finally we get to the past part of the trailer… While Thor’s awesome golden locks are cut short it seems Thor, taking up an Axe and Shield, gets stuck in a gladiator match of some sort against… Wait for it… Yes the Incredible Hulk! I knew he was going to be in this movie but damn that asgardian armor seems to go nicely. How did Bruce Banner/Hulk even get into Asgard in the first place? You don’t normally see happy faces in a gladiator match but Thor seems to be pretty happy to find himself pitted against his friend from work (You know, the Avengers.). I hypothesis that this movie actually takes place during the same time as Captain America: Civil War, which would explain Bruce and Thor’s absence in said movie.

Well that’s the end of the trailer. That definitely is top of my list of favorite movie trailers to date.  Thor Ragnarok seems to have a lot more color, humor and life to it while still keeping serious when it needs to be. Truth be told I thought the first two movies, mostly the second movie, lacked these elements. This may make myself sound immature but when it comes to superhero movies I tend to lean more towards movies with elements that Ragnarok seems to be showing. Justice League looks like it’s going to be great and all but you got to admit it looks a tad bit dark and washy.

There are still a lot of secrets this movie is holding back and I applaud Marvel for being able to have an amazing trailer but still keep all the important bits saved for the movie… You know, unless they overkill the trailers of course. Looking at IMDB Anthony Hopkins is casted as Odin so who knows what the fate of the all father is in this movie. Benedict Cumberbatch will be making an appearance as Doctor Strange as well. I still haven’t seen Doctor Strange yet so that’s probably a movie I need to watch before Thor Ragnarok.
Really excited for this movie, it’s going to be releasing on November the 3rd in theatres (Great, another long waiting period.) I’m probably more excited for this movie then I ever was for Captain America Civil War. (Which was a good movie don’t get me wrong. You can read my review on it here: )

Haven’t updated everyone on my knitting in a while and things haven’t been easy going. I just get back into the swing of knitting and what do you know? I mess up, big time. Yeah I started work on my Afterthought Heel Socks again, I’m on the second pair and I finally got past the time consuming cable ridge and onto the body. Sounds great huh? Yeah I was supposed to be able to bomb along on this body; it’s just a simple stockinette stitch, 54 stitches per round, easy going! Until you accidentally jerk, drop 4 stitches, attempt at picking them all up just to find out the last stitch ran all the way into oblivion. This is one of those record scratch, freeze frame “You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation” moments. (Hey I knew I would link this up with the movie trailer somehow.) While not as much of a dangerous situation as our God of Thunder is in Mum did have to assist me in trying to save this sock. I figured I would be able to save it; hey I’ve got 6 months of experience knitting I should be able to handle myself. No apparently those 6 months of experience wasn’t enough to save this sock, I actually made the situation worse.

Sadly this ended up with me frogging the entire sock. Luckily the yarn was still okay so I’ve already casted the sock back on and gotten 5 rows done.

Really wish I had taken a photo of this sock before it was frogged but I’m serious when I say I was already bombing along on this sock’s body.

This is a photo of the original second sock... I swear I got farther then this before I had to frog it.

Now it just looks like I’ve been majorly slacking. I guess you got to live and learn. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve screwed up badly like this but I’ve never had to frog a project because of it. It’s hard not to let incidents like this get to you but in reality I’m still a newbie when it comes to knitting.

So that’s my knitting progress, I’ll try to make the next update a little bit more positive and I’ll try not to massively screw up next time.

Finally before we wrap… I’ve not actually discussed Pokemon Sun and Moon related stuff in a while, actually I’ve not really played it much in the past couple of weeks (This applies to all Video Games.) I would say it has something to do with me being busy but in reality It’s due to lack organization of time on my part. Anyway! Pokemon has just recently announced a BRAND NEW Pokemon for Pokemon Sun and Moon! Okay so he’s been floating around the internet for a while now but we’re finally seeing him in action… Marshadow!

I’m not sure if this was intentional or not but he actually looks like a shadowy marshmallow, nice one GameFreak. He looks great regardless but not much has been said about him, other then the fact he’s going to be appearing in this year’s Pokemon movie. Have I discussed that yet? It appears I haven’t… Well you guys have something to look forward to on Friday then.

That’s a wrap folks!

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